April 26 - May 17, 2009, Stanton Street Synagogue
The pioneering importance of this show was that it corralled, for the first time, a diverse, balanced and complete range of contemporary Judaic–influenced visual expression.
In the book of Genesis, God creates man using the word Tzelem, meaning likeness. And yet the Hebrew word Tzelem does not imply a visual correspondence. Rather it denotes intelligence, and is bound up with concepts of morality, language and a unique spiritual paradigm.
In reflection of this paradox, the Jewish Art Salon presented its premier exhibition with art by Salon members demonstrating a bold vision of contemporary Jewish Art and creativity.

Participating artists were:
Ita Aber, Siona Benjamin, Suzanne Benton, John Bradford, Shoshannah Brombacher, Lynda Caspe, Raphael Eisenberg, David Friedman, Tobi Kahn, Rachel Kanter, Tine Kindermann, Robert Kirschbaum, Diana Kurz, Richard McBee, Jill Nathanson, Mark Podwal, Archie Rand, Deborah Rosenthal, Susan Schwalb, Janet Shafner, Jack Silberman, Joel Silverstein, Adele Shtern, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Yona Verwer, David Wander, Menachem Wecker and Laurie Wohl.
I especially loved Lynda Caspe's works at this Jewish art exhibition. I only wish the exhibit could have lasted a week longer!