More on Mima'amakim event

For more information on the Jewish Art Salon's event with the journal Mima'amakim on Feb. 5, click here.

Here's what Aaron Roller, write and layout editor of Mima'amakim, has to say about his decision to be involved in the journal:

Though professionally I work in government, I consider myself a poet, a writer and an advocate for the arts. I became involved with the Mima'amakim journal and the community surrounding it during college. There was a natural connection, because almost all of my work incorporates elements, ideas or concerns from my life as a religious Jew. When I write, I write with a Jewish voice and Mima'amakim provided a venue where I didn't have to explain or apologize for the kind of work that I do and where I could meet a cohort with similar interests.

Over the last three years, my involvement with the journal increased. I was elected to the editorial board, took over layout for the journal and helped organize a bunch of events. Even though we've decided that the journal we just published will be our last print journal, I think that the mission of the organization - to maintain a space for religious and creative expression to coexist - is more important than ever and that we're going to find new ways to accomplish that. I can be reached at @aj_roller on Twitter.
More information on the artists showing in the Mima'amakim exhibit after the jump.

Yitzchok Moully. Title of work: Ritual Objects - Shabbat Candles.

Ritual Objects- Shabbat Candles, is the first in a series of paintings that juxtapose traditionally associated ritual objects with their more commonplace counterpart. Chassidic thought teaches us that everything in this world can and should be used for a higher purpose. I use everyday Jewish and Chassidic images in a Pop Art style to question the assumed divide between the spiritual and the commonplace. Ritual Objects- Shabbat Candles features on the front cover of the latest volume of the Mima'amakim Journal.

Shlomo Rydzinski (Tumblr, website). Title of work: Panel Collage with Burnt Sienna. Acrylic, 16" x 20".

Dorene Schwartz-Weitz. Title of work: Shema. Photograph, 9 1/4" x 7 1/4".

I am my work. My work is a gift from Hashem on borrowed time. It is one of the most powerful of vehicles by which I endeavor to return my neshama back to His white space.

Elke Reva Sudin. Title of work: The Scribe, Brush and Ink, 16" x 20".

Drawing, like life, should be a fast process, and you have to keep up with your subject. People are naturally in motion, so capturing a single image is a illusion of reality. Ink is fluid, and expresses the essence by immediately contrasting the presence of a mark versus the lack of it. It is a commandment for all Jews to take part in the writing of a Torah, but to witness a scribe putting the finishing touches on one is a rare sight. As he puts ink to parchment to complete his uniquely Judaic art, I am joining him by transcribing the moment using the same tools. But The Scribe is not Judaic art because of the subject, rather because of the love I bring to it as a Jew.

As the founder of and an active member of the Jewish Art Salon, finding connections between Judaism and art is a constant source of inspiration to me, and I strive to provide a venue for others to do the same.

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