
Poster Contest judged by JAS members

The Voices & Visions™ program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, in conjunction with HGF's PJ Library® program, invited children ages 7 to 12 from across the U.S. to make a drawing, painting, or collage expressing their idea of Tikkun Olam - making our world a better place.
Four Jewish Art Salon members - M. Chava Evans, David Wander, Lenore Cohen, and Yona Verwer – judged the entries. 

Each of the twelve top winners won an iPad®.  Their posters appear in a gallery here, and in December can be sent as special Hanukkah e-cards. 

The children's "visions" were inspired by the "voice" of Rabbi Lawrence Kushner, who wrote:
"When you see something that is broken, fix it. When you find something that is lost, return it. When you see something that needs to be done, do it. In that way, you will take care of your world and repair creation. If all the people in the world were to do so, our world would truly be a Garden of Eden." (Eyes Remade for Wonder: A Lawrence Kushner Reader, Jewish Lights Publishing, 1998)

The Harold Grinspoon Foundation is best known for its PJ Library® program, through which 100,000 children receive free high-quality Jewish children's books each month, thanks to a unique partnership between local Jewish communities and HGF. For more information about PJ Library,

HGF's Voices & Visions demonstrates the power of art to communicate important ideas - no matter the age of the artist.

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