Call for Art Images - Trafficking

For a national Jewish art publication's online gallery, July issue. 

Theme: artwork that has to do with human trafficking. 
You will be mentioned with a paragraph about your work and a link to your website.
Deadline: June 21

How to apply:

  • Email jpgs to Please keep each jpg under 500 kb, if you can
  • Save the images with your last name (e.g. schwartz.jpg). 
  • In subject line: "trafficking"
  • If you like, add a short description about the work in the email body; do not attach the text as a document.
If the editor wants to publish your work you will be contacted directly.

Excerpt of one of the articles to be reprinted for the July issue:

"Trafficking —coerced labor affecting women, children, and men worldwide — has a long, unseemly tradition and a surprising place in Jewish life past and present. Though politically trafficking usually is associated with involuntary sex work, it is, in fact, a far more complex phenomenon involving many forms of coerced agricultural, factory, sexual, and domestic labor. Jews have worked in and fought against trafficking for more than a century. During the last decades of the 19th century, many vulnerable Jewish women from Eastern Europe were sold and trafficked by Jewish mobsters into sexual slavery. One of Sholem Aleichem’s most famous stories was about a Jewish pimp who trafficked women to Argentina, and Bertha Pappenheim — the German-Jewish feminist — spent much of her life fight- ing trafficking and prostitution…. " Article continues

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